Monday, November 29, 2010

Ack! Carpal tunnel attack!

Ever since I was a fiction-writing-teenager I've had to contend with carpal tunnel and neck pain. I had such neck pain in high school that I had to do exercises for it; but that seems to have mostly gone away over time. The carpal tunnel I also have to do exercises for, as it regularly flares up. Luckily never to the point of debilitation.

Mind, I can never find my damned carpal book when I need it. Where are you?? I should keep it with my books about writing. Most of the exercise consist of stretching out the wristy muscles.

Well, I've notched my chair up a little higher and that's helping. This chair is adjustable in a multitude of ways, meant for Serious Writing Action. And I have a desk with a keyboard tray so that's nice and low. And I put my laptop on top of a stack of school books (Principles and Practice of Psyiatric Nursing, Human Development, and Retailing Management) so that the screen is high enough.

Now if only I could find an exercise for sitting-at-desk-eating-all-the-time-itis. (Aerobics you say? ... Oh.)

Or a cure for procrastination.

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