Friday, November 19, 2010

13 377

Today I did the dishes, and made biscuits, pasta, winter soup, and a chocolate cake. That's the yummy kind of procrastination! Now I just need to figure out how to get Pinky back to San Fran, but I think I've got something...

13 173

Didn't write much yesterday cause I had some errands to do. 1531 words bringing us past the 1/4 mark.

Christmas Music Recommendation: Tori Amos

Last year Tori Amos put out Midwinter Graces and I can highly recommend it. It's partly Christmas, and partly wintry, which suits her very well. Maybe I've always associated her with winter because "Winter" was one of my fave songs on her first album.

Like the aforementioned Lennox album, it's a real album, not just "oh let's sing some carols." In most cases she's taken a traditional carol and embroidered around it to make her own song, with beautiful results. Here are a few of my faves from the album:

Winter's Carol - an original song - very early Kate Bush - a nice mix of dark and bright

Harps of Gold - traditional (Gloria In Excelsis Deo) with Tori -  a more upbeat guitarishy sound

A Silent Night With You - This is the sort of original Christmas song that I wouldn't be surprised to hear others cover one day.

Star of Wonder - another Tori-ized traditional carol - She creates this Middle East sort of sound, for the kings of the east, and then you get hit with the traditional chorus. Win!

Winter - from her first album - boy, doesn't this woman know how to emote? (sarcasm) (breaks down sobbing as she watches video)

Annie Lennox's Christmas album

I've given Annie Lennox's Christmas album the first listen, and it's pretty much a perfect blend of reverence and artistry--not so artsy that the simple beauty of the original songs is lost, but not so reverent as to be dull. Lennox's voice has grown much deeper as she's aged, and I love how she still knows how to use it to best effect. -> As the review on iTunes says, for once an artist didn't just slap together a packet of Christmas carols, but really set out to make a good album. [You can try one of the songs below, or the 6 min summary someone made, which I pasted at the bottom.]

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen -- and Lennox showing that she's still the original "Lady Gaga." Such a great video.

This may be the first time I've ever loved "Little Town of Bethlehem." Jewel put out a creepy version which was interesting, but this is just lovely.

A 6 min summary:

Next: I'll be checking out Mariah's new Christmas album.

still worst nano cat ever

i let her suck on the finger while i did internets - now time to stop - i gotta write!

"sure mahmmy nom nom nom [no signs of stopping]"

meanwhile in haleyland, quality time consists of battling with her (she likes me to grab her head)

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