Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is the stuff literature or not?

Archy and Mehitabel poems appeared in the 1920s, ostensibly written by a cockroach who would jump around on this writer's keyboard at night, and leave poems behind. He often had as companion Mehitable the cat, who was Cleopatra in a previous life.

My grandfather (the deceased English lit professor, who gave me my first book of Oscar Wilde plays) introduced me to these.

Here is a little tease of one of the poems...

boss i am disappointed in
some of your readers they
are always asking how does
archy work the shift so as to get a
new line or how does archy do
this or do that they
are always interested in technical
details when the main question is
whether the stuff is
literature or not

quickee update (excuse to procrastinate)

Banning from nets is going well--I've been pretty good about only going on for research. Yesterday was super productive day. Wrote all day, only taking Appropriate Breaks, and wrote all the new important scenes.

My word count (using old fashioned publisher word count method, which means 250 lines per page, about 10 words per line, and then you multiply your page count by 250) has gone from 70 750 before I added the new subplot, to 84 500. I have a couple more scenes to write, and then I've got to print the whole thing out and give it a good read over... find out if I've ruined the book. (The original sub-plot-less version still exists, in case this sucks.)

Today not so productive:
- woke up
- started laundry
- fed cats and ates
- read a little
- exhausted, fell back asleep
- woke up
- hubby insisted we do groceries
- went to library first
- ate at mall
- zellers
- pharmacy
- groceries
- came home and washed fruit
- continued laundry
- fell into exhausted sleep again
- weird dream
- awokes
- made a casserole
- got back to computer
- Gilby called
- got back to computer
- tried to think through what scenes I need to write next
- almost started internet surfings (this is what happens when I get story-stuck -- so dangerous!)
- am sleepy
- it's 3:30 AM which is when I should be going to bed
- so I am giving in to the sleepies
- start fresh again tomorrow

Must return to inter-bans now.

But first, a picture of Nombly eating green beans. ( "nom nom nom" as a lolcat would say)

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