Christmas is a calm enough affair with Haley. Here she is sitting in her favourite eggplant tray, watching A Miracle on 34th Street.
Yesterday I put together my Christmas tree. I've had it for more than ten years, and very little damage has ever been inflicted upon it by Sherry, Nombly or Haley. Years ago I attached fake cranberries and pine cones to it--thinking these safe from kitty paws--and I always put the least breakable decorations on the bottom, where the cats can bat at them.
But we all know this won't be enough for Evil Minion, right? As I was piecing the tree together last night, Minion walked around it in awe, saying: OF ALL THE CAT TOYS THEY'VE EVER GOTTEN ME, THIS IS THE BIGGEST ONE OF ALL! WHY IT'LL BE FIVE FEET WHEN IT'S DONE!!
She got to work straight away, chewing on the branches. Then she sat hidden inside the fake tree's box, where some of the branches were waiting for me to put them up. And I heard this...
CRRRRUNCH! Munch munch munch.
CRRRRUNCH!! Nom nom nom.
When I opened the box, I found her cracking the hard shell off the fake cranberries.
I've had to remove them all from the tree and throw them out, so she won't swallow any pieces.
A little while later I heard a KERPLUNK. She'd pulled off her first branch. There's the poor corpse lying on the floor.
This morning started off peacefully enough... just sitting under her toy.
Then a little munching, here and there.
And finally a little climb up the tree, looking for the tastiest branches. She even arched her back, and looked back at me with Cheeky Expression.
The tree isn't even decorated yet.