Thursday, September 16, 2010

escape holes in the Meowee East

I have this big box that my new cat boxes came in, and I've left it on the floor for the cats to play in. Haley likes to play hide-and-hit games, where you hide somewhere, and then bat at the other cat through an opening. But Minion doesn't play right.
She bats for awhile, and then runs into the box WITH Haley. You then hear "MROW!!" , you see the box move a lot, and Haley comes shooting out.

So I've now cut an escape hole onto the back, and some little peep holes on the sides.

In other Haley news... I'm afraid I really freaked her out at the last false fire alarm -- the one when a woman screamed, and for the first time Haley went running under the bed and I had to pull her out in order to get her in her box and out of the apartment.

Today they're testing the fire bells and people's smoke detectors. The fire bell goes off once in awhile, just briefly, and it's spooking Haley. When the dudes came to my door to check the detector, she ran under the bed and wouldn't even come out for Snappy Toms!! I had to put the Snappy Toms in a bowl under the bed, and then closed to door to make her feel safe.

Just now there was another short ring, and Haley jumped and started to run off. But I see her prowling around, so she hasn't headed for the bed yet. She keeps looking suspiciously at the door.

Que read moi?

I chose Juliet by Anne Fortier as my Other Vacation Book. (But I'll probably sneak a physical book along too! Just in case my ereader explodes or something.)

It's supposed to be a mystery-romance-lightly-humorous-partly-historical sort of thing. Sounds right up my Light Books Alley. And what's really fun is that I used to not buy books in hard cover, but with ebooks... only $10. (Swiss Girl: It takes place in Siena, in case you need your next audio book when you return.)

It's all very exciting. In other news, a coworker asked me today if I'm going to do Nanowrimo. Hmm. It's tempting. It's just so durned fun to knuckle down for a month and write write write. We'll see.

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