Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm a better researcher than I knew! ho ho

It's quite gratifying to do something in your story that's a bit anachronistic, and then discover it's not!

In the back history of the book I'm writing, it's 1918 and the heroine has a film company in early Hollywood. Turns out there were a lot of women involved in early filmmaking, and then they were all phased out during the '20s. It's très exciting. I've ordered this book.

lolcats à la majeur

What can I say, I'm one of those people who love lolcats.

This one reminded me of Evil Minion, since she was handfed by humans in her kittenhood.

Series: My Best Reads of 2010 #4 & 5


Stuff - Randy O. Frost & Gail Steketee - American academics (April 2010)
Hoarding hasn't been studied much, so not much is known about it yet--you won't learn the secrets to healing hoarding, but that's because no one's found a smoking gun yet. But the book is a good start. Each chapter deals with a different hoarding case, and the authors' attempts to understand them. It's a more sympathetic approach than some of the sensationalistic TV shows, and you might see bits of yourself in these folk.

Do you always see bits of yourself in various mental illnesses? I do. In this case, I definitely struggle with book and music hoarding.

Further Reading: I don't have any great recommends, but if you're interested in books on getting organized, I'm a fan of Julie Morgenstern. I'm good at cleaning up messes and creating systems to keep things organized, and I find her approach is very intuitive--her tips similar to the methods I follow.


Graphic Novel:
Scott Pilgrim - Bryan Lee O'Malley - Canadian author (Last edition published July 2010)

I don't have much to say, it's just a fun, well-done series. Everyday life for a bunch of 20somethings in Toronto, Canada, except this universe includes Mad Fighting Skillz and Epic Battles with Your Girlfriend's Exes. What's lost in the movie is the character growth of both Scott and Ramona, which brings more depth than you expect.

Best Humour: Scott's roommate. And I loved the Vegan Police.

Further Reading: I'm still trying to get people to read the Top Ten series by Alan Moore! Like Pilgrim it's a funny series, but with great world building.

 Wallace the Roommate

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