Tuesday, November 30, 2010

almsot there

This is when I get to the point that my program says I have 50 000 words, but I know Nano's won't. So I keep going til we have an agreement.

This is the kind of sentence you come out with when only a few thousand words from your goal

Red has arranged for them to go with a troupe of entertainers to entertain the troops.

49 158

48 413


Mind you, one of Minion's toys is just a straw. She'll take the straw out of your drink and run all over the house with it. Sometimes the best toys are the non-toys. Here she's about to pounce on it.
And I finally caught THE LOOK. That look on her face when she sits on my lap and tries to persuade me to give her a finger to suck.

fun chores

Successful shopping day. There's something deliciously decadent about shopping for just yourself when everyone around you is shopping for other people. (That is--I don't do Christmas with anyone, except my husband.)

I managed to escape any shamings from my doctor--she's so good, I loves her. And I picked up a pair of more comfortable ear buds for when I can't wear my proper earphones.

Went to my old work place to say hi to some people. Then picked up my glasses. I got very good service from Lunetterie New Look--liked the doctor, the sales dudes, and I really like the adjust-the-glasses technician. I have one ear higher than the other, so that requires some work. And I told him about not wanting them to be too tight, so he loosened the blue ones.

Here's the brown&peach pair. I have to angle my head so you don't just get computer glare in my eyes.

Here's the blue&bronze ones. I was so excited about being able to see everything that I wore them for a few hours, even though they gave me a headache.

Then stopped at the pet supply store for a bunch of toys for the inexhaustible Minion. I bought one toy that's just a wicker ball with feathers attached. She sat down with it, and systematically ripped out every feather in about 5 minutes. It was carnage. I asked her if next time she'd rather I just get her an entire chicken to pluck. I kept the feathers so I can try to reattach them to her old feather toy, which has been stripped bare but which she loves so much she still drags it around the house.

Haley took to the little yellow octopus-type toy. Usually when she gets a hold of a toy she likes she does about one circuit around the house with it in her mouth, making "I'm a huntress!!" noises. But with this one she did at least 5 circuits.

Mind, Haley's favourite toy is Mother's Wrist. I do the ultimate-no-no and roughhouse with my cats. She likes me to grab her head and try to scratch her head and nech while she bits and wrestles me. Minion was watching us with this "how come you let mom wrestle you, and I can't??" look on her face.

Then stocked up on vegan junk at Papillon (sour cream, cream cheese, cheese, tofurkey slices, vegan mayonnaise--the things I can't replicate well with home cooking.) I was telling one of the staff how much I love that they carry more and more vegan food all the time, and she said the manager encourages them to bring in whatever they think looks good. So she helped them expand their gluten-free selection, and I guess someone's been on top of all the vegan goodies. And she said they're expanding in January! Yay!

A good day. Now I need to get in some of the remaining 6000 words before I get sleepy again. Ciao!

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