Thursday, September 10, 2009

What to do on vacazione...

The only thing bad about going away on vacation is Missing the Family. Here's little Nombs, sitting on the couch back by me. He's such a sweet cat.

Friday I leave for Vancouver for 5 days, then Nanaimo for another 5. I want to do the following things on my vacation:

1. go to the Japanese shop and look at Bento boxes!
2. read
3. watch anything
4. start planning my next book
5. stare at the walls
6. stay off my feet

I've got fascitiis or something in my right foot. I go see my doctor in late fall usually, for my pill renewal, so I might ask for a referral to a podiatrist. And I've got to buy better work shoes when I get back--the kind nurses wear. Looks like years of crapitude shoes, and working on my feet, has finally caught up to me. In the meantime, I just want to stay off my feet!

Jilly is vair vair amusant

I decided to start a Jilly Cooper book, instead of the Guernsey. I'm planning my next book, so I'd rather read something sort of in the vein of what I want to write. Something funny, to get me in a funny mood. Cooper's characters are so trashy and trashed, bonking and drinking their way across the polo pitches... vair vair amusant.

There's always a bunch of characters, and one of them always has a great romance storyline. So bonking, drinking, and a little sweet romance. Also great horse, dog and cat characters, great flower descriptions, great polo matches, and plenty of bon mots. Just the thing for a vacation.

I'd love to buy up all the rest of the Georgia Nicolson books and read those on vacay, but that's a lot of money for books that only take a couple hours to read. The library still hasn't come through with book 6 for me. Vair vair non amusant.

I'm watching Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf as I write this. I'd always thought I'd love this play once I'd seen it, because I love these depressing 60s plays. But really, it's just annoying.

I re-watched Rashoman this week. That was better.

more "shit my dad says"

  1. 'You don't know shit, and you're not shit. Don't take that the wrong way, that was meant to cheer you up."
  2. "Here's a strawberry, sorry for farting near you...Hey! Either take the strawberry and stop bitching, or no strawberry, that's the deal."
  3. "The worst thing you can be is a liar....Okay fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but THEN, number two is liar. Nazi 1, Liar 2"

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