Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What i'm listening to...

How to tell if you're a vocal supergroup: When the audience doesn't expect anything more of you, than to sit perfectly still and sing. (Even though you're renown for having hip moves!)

Tom Waits "Falling Down"

Rolling Stones "Emotional Rescue" (How did the Stones manage to write so many of the sexiest songs of all time? ...I'd attribute it to getting lots of sex, but then KISS isn't exactly known for hot hits.)

Remember Bette's great video for "Beast of Burden?"

Tired of carrying signs

From 50 Best Protest Signs

molto satisfacto

Now that Nano's over I'm happy to up my daily reading again. I finished Mapp and Lucia, which was fairly funny (and gave rise to the made-up Italian of my title). Today I started Colleen McCullough's novel about Mary Bennett, the priggish sister in Pride and Prejudice. It seemed like the right December choice--light, historical, with some romance.

Got some key things done at work this week, so I should have another guilt-stress-free weekend on Wed-Thu.

Now off to see what's new in iTunes store...

a quote

"It was so bad, my opinion of it went straight to video." - Denis Leary reviewing a movie

Comedy specials are often pretty disappointing (Oh Colbert) but the Denis Leary one has some moments.

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