Friday, May 7, 2010

Scenes from a family - The Shreddies Routine

There used to be a Shreddies commercial that my brother, step-mother and I riffed on with each other. Our step-mommy is francophone, so she always had a bit of trouble with it. The trick with this routine is that if you start it, you're stuck with most of the lines. So you didn't say "You're weird, Lefty" in our house, unless you intended to back it up. Unfortunately saying "You're weird Lefty" was one of step-mommy's favourite lines.

The commercial went like this:

Kids coming home from school, to friends' house. Eating Shreddies. Lefty is making a Shreddies sandwich. His companions express disgust.

Kid whose house it is: You're weird Lefty.
Lefty: I always eat Shreddies sandwiches.
Kid: Not in MY house.

At the end you see all the friends leaving the house.

Kid: And don't slam--
--the door.

You have to say "the door" in a particular, hang-dog, pouty manner. Step-mommy did like saying that part.

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