Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Story of Me: In headcolds

Ohhh. I gots nooo energies. Actually that's not true. I have enough energy to sit up, which is more than I would have with a flu or gastro. But the energy to take a much needed shower? Ohhhhhh. I wonder if I can wear my PJs to work tonight. I don't even have sloughy jogging pants to wear, cause I'm not a sloughy joggings pants girl (can never find any long enough for my legs.)

I kept waking up last night, and I only got a 7 hour sleep. Lately when I hit the pillow, no matter how tired I am, I think about work. I need to get out of this phase! Last night I finally sat up in bed and worked on my story plotting, which finally quieted my brain down.

Maybe I should attempt a nap, but I'm afraid it will take me too long to fall asleep and next thing I know I'll have to get up for work. Mehhhhhhh.

When I was in school I used to get 2-3 head colds per winter. And still went to school and work most days, cause I had to. I'm not so tough anymore. I've turned into a big softy.

watching Flight of the Conchords

Got a head cold. But when I tried to take a nap after work I couldn't fall asleep. Hapoo. Luckily I don't work until 9 PM tomorrow, cause we're doing inventory. I need to be well enough to go into work cause... it's a little much to ask a manager to come in at the last minute to work 9PM - 5AM. I doubt I'll be feeling that bad, but maybe low on energy... maybe I can just sit on a chair in the middle of the store, tucked under a blankie, juice and Kleenex at hand, answering people's questions with an imperious air.

They're turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers.
But what's the real cost?
'Cause the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper.
Why are we still paying so much for sneakers
When you got them made by little slave kids

Theme song of booksellers everywhere! (minus the N-word)

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