Now that Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) is over, and Dotewamo is over (Domestic Television Watching Month) is over, it's time for Regoreyear (Regular Goals Rest of Year). I was pretty good about working on my writing this year, but I'd like to be more disciplined so I can get things done faster. Imagine this conversation...
Potential Agent: Ooer I loved your book, how long did it take you to write?
Me: [mumbling as I count on my fingers] Let's see I started it when I returned to school and I got the bulk of it written the next summer but then I changed the ending and then had to revise a bunch more and then school finished and I gave it to people to help me revise so I worked on those changes and then I decided it needed to be longer so I wrote some more and of course then I had to revise some more, and with the final edits, and then composing the query letter, and finally the synopsis it took... [whips out calculator] six and a half years.
Potential Agent: ... ... ... So your next book will be ready in--
Me: 2016... maybe 2017, cause it's longer.
I'm quick at the actual writing. It's the revising and editing and query letter writing and (now) synopsis. I need some realistic but strong goals. Meh meh meh.