Thursday, March 11, 2010

eyelid failure (falling asleep)

I finished watching the Jeeves and Wooster DVDs. Sadness. I needed something else funny to watch, so I'm watching the episodes of Dr Katz that I hadn't yet seen. Sometimes I buy a DVD and I'm in no rush to watch it, because I save it for when I really need it. So thought I lurv Dr Katz, I didn't watch the DVDs back to back when I bought them.

Dr Katz is the cartoon of a therapist living with his grown son who doesn't work. When he's at the office, his patients are just a variety of stand-up comics doing their shticks. I think I find stand-up even funnier when it's illustrated.

Anyway, the conversations between the father and son are so funny, really well written. And Dr Katz reminds me of my dad. So does the Steve Martin character in Parenthood.

I would explain, but I'm falling asleep at the computer because I worked at 6 AM today... I've had 2 hours of sleep... I can barely maintain cohererererence.

My compy -- back and better than before!

Well my compy, Tsau Tsau, is back.

Fernando asked him to put in a new keyboard, because my fingernails had worn out certain letters. And the light's been fixed.

I think the guy cleaned my screen. It looks so nice. And I think he fixed the latch that keeps the lid closed--I had taken to putting a big, cute hair elastic around it. But now it seems to just latch shut again.

loo loo loo break from work

Compy is fixed and awaits pickup tomorrow. Right now I've got the husband's computer... I brought it to my desk, cause his chair is uncomfortable and will probably give me a headache. I'm not used to such a big screen!

I'm working from home today... currently mired in a little project which seems never ending. I keep finding more details I can add.

I really should finish soon cause tomorrow I have to work at 6 AM. But I'm nooot sleeeeepy yet.

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