Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gosh the things you read...

...when researching. I've decided to merge two characters from the old draft, turning my soldier boy into a pilot. But he's got to be an injured pilot, so I've been researching not only WWI aces, but injuries. And I came across this delightful description, by a German ace whose arm was machine gunned, but he didn't want it operated on because he was afraid of being pulled out of combat:

(from Fokker D VII Aces of World War I - Franks & VanWyngarden)

Gross!! Awesome.

I knew there had to be a site for this

If my character wants to pay a homeless man $50 to go to a protest in her stead, how much should she pay him? About $3.50.

How to Get Rid of a Cat in 2 Easy Steps

The little peanut came back bugging me again! But I knew how to get rid of her... I sang the "Fuck You" song to her.

"I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love..." [shake cat back and forth in time to music]

"and I'm like--Fuck yooooou" [flip cat on back]

Cat struggles to escape.
Mission accomplished.

up and at 'em

* The Canada Reads list is out. Looks good--I just bought Essex County, and this humour one looks good, gonna add to my "maybe buy" list.

* This week I had gotten myself all turned about--going to bed at 9 AM and waking up in the dark. But I learned in a previous year that my body eventually resets itself. Last night I was sleepy at 1 AM, so I went to bed. I did wake up for a couple hours at 7 AM (had to eat and read for a bit) but I was back asleep by 9, and slept til noon.

Just had breakfast, am checking out my blogs and cafĂ© etc. Then gotta get down to work. 

* After I fend off the peanut. When the little peanut wants my finger, she climbs on my lap, pretends like she's settling in, and then LOOKS up at me. NARROWS HER EYES. SMILES. And just gaaazes at me, trying to seduce me into giving up my finger. It's hard to capture the look for you, because her back or side is to the computer camera.

"You know you want to give me a finger."
 "We'd be having a much better time if you just gave me your finger."
 "Think of the fun we could be having!"

"Aha! I have caught a stray finger!"

"Nom nom nom."


 "Banished to my blanky on the floor. >:-( "

November 2008

In Nov 2008 I was doing nanowrimo (the same story as I'm working on now) so not many posts. But what was funny is that I wrote the shortest post I've ever written, and it generated the most comments ever.

The post was simply this:

I was glad a Democrat had won the US presidential race, but one of my lovely friends made the mistake of posting a cynical comment, which set off a whole debate. Twain said humour was "Tragedy + time" (totally true) and I think cynicism is "Nice stuff + time." [I say cynical, but the comments may have just been realistic commentary on Obama-policy. I don't remember. You get the point! I don't want to start the debate again!]

Anyway, this was my next post:
A month or two ago I complained about all my political friends moving away. CLEARLY I was crying out for a political argument. And where my Supposed Friends there for me? Did they start a big assed argument in September or October? No! They waited until November, when I'm supposed to be writing a novel in one month. ...Nobody loves me. I go away and cries into my unwritten book.

And the next:

In light of my last post, I have decided to turn over all my email correspondence and blogs to Oscar the Human Resource Puppy, until November is over.

I first hired Oscar straight out of a bin at Maxi's, when I was having a bad day as a manager at my job (years ago.) Because you can sit him on the chair and tell him all your problems. And he wears his calm smile, and listens attentively, and pats you on the hand (if you move his paw for him.)

And finally:

Latest mabeltalk posts, so you can catch what interests you :-)

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