Friday, April 23, 2010

Scenes from a marriage - In the Nabe

Scene: Husband walking Mabel to where she'll take a bus connection to catsit her friend Swissgirl's cats.

Fernando - In future when you catsit, you should only work day shifts.
Mabel [a night owl] - No. ...No, that's not going to happen.
Fernando - This is a dangerous neighborhood.
Mabel - It's a busy street, look how many cars there are.
Fernando - Driven by Poor & Violent people.
Mabel - Swissgirl and her boyfriend are poor and violent?
Fernando - Well. Well, um, they're--
Mabel - The aristocratic minority and the first to go when the revolution happens?
Fernando - Get that cross-stitching woman! She's a witch!
Mabel - Swissgirl will have to take up a less expensive hobby. ...As a front.

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