This CVing is killing me. I'm procrastinating like I'm a student all over again! I must be having a psychological block. It's traumatic. I caught up on a few blogs yesterday, but not the Betties (69 unread posts!)
I just wrote ONE LINE. And felt I could reward myself by coming here to tell you that Minion has become so talkative! She wasn't very talkative when she first arrived here, but she's learned this is how one must communicate with the hu-mahns.
I looked at her just now and it was all "Squemreeemoewmeow!"
The other day Fernando woke up and came out and she ran to him and spoke for a good 30 seconds. I don't know if she was saying goodmorning or telling him everything she did since he went to bed.
And when I push her off somewhere she's not supposed to be it's never without a loooong protest.
When I picked her up from the vet recently I was wondering with the vet tech whether it was warm enough (considering that she was recovering from being ill) to take her on the bus home and save some money and suddenly she said: "Meowrowreeeeowrowrowmeowmeowrow!" I looked down at the cage in surprise and said: "Fine, I'll spring for the 20 bucks, geez!" And she replied with another indignant meow, and then was pretty quiet.
Apparently she chirruped EVERY time someone went past her cage too. The tech knew every time someone walked past cause she heard: "Brrrip?"
It's pretty amusing.
But amusing won't get the CV written.