The girlie is off napping somewhere. She usually sits on the chair down here, but she might be in a post-softies stupor. I even warmed her softies a little in the microwave, cause she didn't like it when I put it down cold yesterday.
Here's what JR likes:
- running all over the house
- playing under the blanket games
- playing cat dancer
- cuddling under a blanket (purrr purrr)
- watching the bubbles in my glass of ginger ale (for a good half hour yesterday)
- softies
When I was here last time I gave the cats a little tuna each night when I'd get in from work. The plan was, of course, to win over the kittehs, esp the super shy girl. JR was indifferent to tuna, but Sue Ellen was like: What the-! Toooonaaaaa! She'd greet me when I got home, and jump up on the kitchen chair and give me The Look. The Tuna Look.
This time I brought a can of softies, because it's a more balanced food. Well THIS she really recognized. I think she was a softies-eater in her former life. And now she's got JR addicted. They were running around my feet as I nuked it a little (cold food from the fridge is a bit sucky for cats). Meow! Me first! Softeeeeeez!
Simone's gonna kill me for spoiling them. But hey, soft cat food is way healthier than dry cat food. :-) Anyway, it's Babysitter's Rules. Mehhhh heh hehhhh.