Wednesday, November 10, 2010

watching a little vicar of dibley

A song and a cat

For most of my teen years and I think college I kept a diary, and I almost always picked a song of the day. Sometimes meaningful, but often just the song stuck in my head that day. Where did this tradition go? It was excellent!

Song of the Day: "the only thing that I did wrong, I stayed in Mississippi a day too long"

I released Minion from captivity this afternoon. She was very restless yesterday when I had to feed her smaller amounts in case she was nauseous. Now that she's getting normal amounts, she's calmer. Seems to be resting a lot.

Minion's incision.

She hasn't done any crazy acrobatics yet, and though she's excited to see Haley ("ooh right where I her!") she's kind of taking it ease. No leaps onto her back yet. Haley's not buying this new Innocent act, though. Growlygrowlygrowly.

The last moments of One and Only Remaining Cat time.

more music while researching

Reba! From her new album, cover of a Beyoncé song.

listening to Kanye while doing research

Kanye's put out this weird mini movie. If this is basically a sample of his upcoming album, I am ALL IN. He is sooooo talented, lurv lurv lurv. I think he's only getting better as time goes on. Oooh November's turning out to be a great month for moooziiik!!!

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