Friday, November 26, 2010

it's gone! huzzah!


Headache seems to be receding. It turns into this sort of itchy feeling, before disappearing. We are at itchy stage.


I've got one of My Headaches--I always get headaches the week I get my period. I'm all drugged up and I lay my head down for awhile and read--we'll see if it gets better. Won't be able to wear my headphones. :-(  (I like loud music.)

Also my room is coldy! It's usually the coldest room, I think because the connector to the dryer is in here. I've hauled out...

- the space heater (I own 3)
- my new fingerless gloves from the Gap
- my matching fleece sweater
- my fuzzy jammies
- my new furry socks
- and my really well-made oatmeal colored slippers from an etsy shop ($15 + $3.50 shipping - the pair I bought from another seller got holes in them really fast -- these are much thicker)

"The door of Scrooge's counting-house was open that he might keep his eye upon his clerk, who in a dismal little cell beyond, a sort of tank, was copying letters....  The clerk put on his white comforter, and tried to warm himself at the candle; in which effort, not being a man of a strong imagination, he failed."

The writing isn't being helped along by (a) the fact that I've hit another research-necessary part, and (b) my writing program got updated. Look how cute my menus are now! (I procrastinated by organizing all my research.)

Some of the icons I made myself, of course.

Scrivener is pretty much becoming the "industry standard" re software for scriptwriting, novels, and research papers. I used it throughout my MA, and for all my novels now.

You can split the screen and have research or pics on one side, and your writing on the other...

And it's got a little bar where you can set a word count goal...

But other than the icons, I haven't tried out any of Scriveners new tricks. Will save that for Dec.

Och my wee head!

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