Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1 work day til vacation!

Alright, my Attraction blog is all set up to post the rest of the week. I just have to make some schedules for work, and then tomorrow at work I won't have very many loose ends left to tie up. I even have a nice lunch all packed for tomorrow (I'm usually too lazy, but looking at bento lunchboxes all evening put me in the mood) -- iced tea, chick pea spread sandwich, cucumbers and a little bag of chippies!

I also have to use up the vegetables before I leave, cause Fernando won't. Tomorrow I will make pizzas to use up the tomatoes, and then I'll be fine.

How Organized I am. Something terrible must be around the corner.

Ooh, also this vacation I get to try out my travel vegan cookbook.

All that's left is to make a Packing List and choose out which books to bring. I'm going to read Bitten (the author's coming to our store next month), but I need a second book... maybe The Guernsay Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. ...I both hate and love the process of choosing the next book to read.

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