* Read this story: "Polish man has woken up from a 19-year coma to find the Communist party no longer in power and food no longer rationed, Polish TV reports."
* Was writing the story I'm now editing.
* Was therefore studying a few Native issues, as research--specifically the "repatriation" of artifacts -- getting back sacred objects of ancestor remains from museums.
* Wrote about romance writing I liked or disliked.
* Doing a massive cleanout of the apartment. Parted with a ton of books and the last of my cassette tapes.
* And then posting videos of some random songs I hadn't heard in ages. (And now I'm checking to see if the ones that weren't on itunes last year are on yet... Oh sweet! "I Can Dream About You" by Dan Hartman!) (OMG I just remembered I can use Zamzar to turn the youtube songs I want into mp3s. Double sweet!)