Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hawksley Workman - Delicious Wolves

One artist I really enjoy is Hawksley Workman. He writes the best love-heartbreak songs, but I also love the variety he gives you. For example, from The Delicious Wolves:

1. "I'm jealous of your cigarette and how you wanna suck on it and not me"...

2. along with a beautiful love song like "You Me and the Weather":

I LOVE the way this song builds and builds. It's so classic "everything but the kitchen sink, and then give them the kitchen sink" school of songwriting. *

3. As well as a song like this, which possibly begins with a guy imaging his sweetheart dying in a car crash? (I assume she's not really dead, based on the last verse.)

so let me say that you look lovely in all of this
and let me say that the death that i fear
could in part be a fear that i'd lose you, your just as i found you

* "We could make the beginning of the song seem like it is all set-up, set-up, set-up, and then the kitchen sink falls in and the record gets big. I like that notion, production wise. So I said to Paul we need a third verse, everything you wrote is a set-up." Art Garfunkel talking about "Bridge Over Troubled Water."

We are the world, but we aren't very creative

I still haven't found a remix of We Are the World based on the only good part (of the new version) -- the rap portion. Come on youtubers, where is your creativity??

Books - skipping along now

I've been reading the Lawrence Sanders book, but I've decided to skip it. The first chapter or so is all about the killer, and man does this guy write in DETAIL. Holy crap. I don't even know which parts I can speed read. I don't mind reading long, detailed books when they're really interesting, or literary, or I lurv the characters--but we just spent the first 13 500 words following around the killer for one day.

Then we spent the next few pages reading about the detective's sandwiches.

I decided to check out the reader reviews first--if most people say "OMG GRIPPING PAGE TURNER COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN" then I might have kept plugging away. But this one-star review just confirmed my worst fears:

"Most of the book deals with how the killer does in her victims or how the detective makes a sandwich. Instead getting details on how the crime is solved, we get details about sloppy, gross sandwiches that are eaten over a sink. In the end the crime really isn't solved and the killer is discovered mostly by accident. "


So on to the next. I'm gonna read my friend's fantasy book which I downloaded from kobo, so that I can (a) finally read her book, and (b) finally try out the kobo.

He's returned--and singing in musicals!

Look at this pic my friend Banana took of Ted Nealey. Maybe he really is Jesus after all!

Scenes from a marriage - Feeding Sherry

Scene: Fernando is getting soft food for Sherry-bones the cat. Mabel hears the microwave being used.

Mabel - Are you microwaving Sherry's food?

Fernando - I like to take a bit of food and make it really hot, and then mix it with cold food, for the perfect temperature.

M - ...No wonder you never want to feed the cats.

[F comes in bearing Sherry's food, which clearly came from the can and was not tampered with.]

M - Why do you lie to me so much?

F - I have a love of the absurd.

Sherry--his neck looks like a chicken because Fernando cut off the mane.

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