Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's a girl!

It was an hour and a half drive out there, and then again to return, so we just got home. It's been a long day, I need to eat supper. And then I'll take some pics.

She's sooooooo cuuuuuuuute!!! They've been calling her Nalou (they're francophone, so you have so think: naLOO). We might just keep her name, but add on the usual nicknames.

Will report back soon!


I was so tired today, I tripped on the Up stairs in the metro, and strained my foot a little, and bruised my knee, and scraped my elbow. I've been dragging for two days now. Luckily it was sort of a half work day, so I took a big nap. ...I'm looking forward to my weekend. ...When I'll only have to worry about Wolverbean scratching me from head to foot as she expresses her dissatisfaction with the invasion of her territory by another cat.

Kitty Contender

Tomorrow we drive out to meet The Kitty Contender. She's a four month old-ish calico. Apparently they have a shyer girl tabby, but I'm not sure shy will work with Halzebub. Nombly was shy, and while he liked playing with Haley, she also really confused him. "I thought we were playing, and now you're hissing at me? What gives?" Anyway, we'll meet the calico and see what we think.

Last night Fernando turned to me before I went to bed and said: "We're having a baby!" We're so excited. Mind you, the excitement will wear off the moment Meowee East begins. Luckily I'll then be on my weekend, so I can be tortured for two days straight by kitty politics.

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