I'm getting Nano-numb-bottom. Been at this all day yesterday, all day today--10 hours so far today. I'm up to 21 300 words, which at least brings me somewhat into the possibly-I-can-finish-this range. I've completed Nano twice, so you'd think I'd go easier on myself about having to finish it a third time. But this time I'm working full-time... and refuse to let Work defeat Writing. Never give up! Never surrender!
I want to get to 25 000 before I go to bed. I calculated that I can write about 1700 words in one hour, if I'm working on a scene that doesn't require me to stop and plot. So I should be able to finish by 5 AM.
But now I shall take a short bottombreak. And watch my favourite autotune the news video, because it inspires me. Makes me laugh each time. Makes me want to have all the characters call each other "shortayee!"
Will we choose liberty? Or will we choose tyranny?
That depends who gets to be the tyrant!
I thought this bill was about the climate?
I've almost got it memorized. And once I have it memorized I can sing along to this!
Jobs jobs jobs
Don't forget about jobs!
They wake up dead! Wake up wake up dead!
(omg i'm sitting here laugh-crying to myself)