Monday, January 25, 2010

Where's Sean Penn's boat when you need it?

Hmm... I sense the presence of the Haiti benefit concert on iTunes. K'naan has pulled past Tik Tok and Lady G! And his Troubadour album is in the Top 10.

But this Hope for Haiti album is only $7.99. I usually crow over a good deal (there's 20 songs) but considering this is for charity... I feel they have significantly underpriced. You never see compilations for under 9.99, and this length would usually be 14.99.

Well, I'm in anyway. Sean Penn aside, singing us songs is what artists are supposed to do in bad times. Tell it like it is, or mourn, depress us, cheer us up, give us hope, make us mad -- whatever the emotion, standing at the mic is a good place. Unless you're Sean Penn. Then you need to be in a boat! Rescuing the people! (And because I've still got Chappelle in my head: In a BOAT motherfucker! In a Goddamned BOAT!)

The Connie Cometh

Turns out my parents bought me a second Christmas present which only shipped this week. Why would it only ship now you ask? Because it is Connie Willis' new book! Yippy! (And looks like it might arrive before the release date. Shhhh!)

This one takes place in her time travel setup, which is a good start cause those are her best works. But it also takes place during the Blitz which is a subject she's been enamored of for decades. So this should be a labor of love. It's also, I believe, a part 1 of 2... which sucks! But okay. I'll deal.

What's the appeal of setting stories during the London Blitz?

I love the pluck and stamina of the British and the humor and courage with which they held out against Hitler. And I love the intensified nature of wartime existence, where a few minutes' delay can cost you your life and a mistake or a change in the weather can alter the entire course of the war. I think those things are always true in our lives, but they're ramped up during wartime, where every decision is life-or-death. (Publisher's Weekly)

And here you'll find an interesting bit on how 9-11 played into this book for her.

Connie Willis at Worldcon 2009 Montreal
Photographed by Kyle Cassidy
Series: Science Fiction fans

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