Friday, August 21, 2009

"What do you mean I end up in jail?! Motherf**ker!"

When I met Gilby he used to talk about His Bestest Friend In the Whole World, Alfonse. Alfonse has lived in the US since I've known him (he's a brainy scientist, now working on turning algae into fuel), now in San Diego, married to a Pretty Intelligent Witty Blonde (what shall I call her? Mrs Alfonse?) who used to write a great blog about not dieting for one year.

Mrs Alfonse took in some plays at Stratford this summer and she brought me back 2 gifts: Oscar Wilde finger puppet, and a mini booklet of Oscar quotes. Can you believe that? How classy is this dame!

Here is Finger Oscar becoming familiar with his life story.
I wonder if I should stop him before he gets to the last
few chapters.

Here is poses next to himself. I love that they made
his head dipping to one side, just like in the photos.
He's a dreamer, our Oscar.

Here's some safer reading material,
and more his size too.

And here he is with a pen up his bum
(no somdomite jokes please).
Instead of dying lonely and ruined in Paris,
he sits here, immortal, inspiring my writing.

Now... I think we should work our way through the quote book.

Women are sphinxs without secrets.

This is me still being Madly In Love

I can't get over my huge crush on K'Naan's music. K'Naan I looooooooooove you!!!!!!!!

Here's another song--this one about what it's like waiting for a desperately needed money transfer from someone who's helping you out; and then turns to how he can now transfer money back to his grandmother; and it ends with "shout outs" to people who financially helped him out in hard times.

No wonder when you look at the comments people leave for K'Naan on youtube, they're all about how he's saving rap music from a surplus of thug culture.

...And if you think it isn't fun to sing "you can pick it up toDAY it's fifteenminutesawAY" while trotting home from work, well, then you iz foolin' yourself.

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