Friday, October 31, 2008

printy printy printy part two two two

Here's my little printy-poo, HP F4280. HP and Canon seem to be the best reviewed printers, and this one had good reviews from users on circuit city and amazon. I like consumer reviews better than professional reviews, for electronics, because I want to know how it works after a couple weeks, what are the common annoyances, what people think of the ink cartridges etc. There were cheaper printers (this one is 89) but I'll pay more if the bulk of people seem happy with something. Loves the internet for this sort of thing. Gosh, what did we do before?! I can barely remember Life Before the Nets.

printy printy printy

The reason I increased my work by one shift was cause I needed a few purchase-ahjs... and now the spending begins. I stocked up on winter shirts and work clothes/shoes a couple weeks ago. I still have to make the winter coat trek, but first I need a printer. My old printer doesn't work right anymore and I need it to print CVs for job applications, and query letters etc. for my book.

I'm excited that all the cheap printers these days include scanners. Sharing photos is so much easier with the nets, but my old pics are still sitting around in boxes, being looked at by no one but the dust mites. (And they don't really care.)

...Back to my online shopping...

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