Tuesday, January 18, 2011

meesa so tired

Alright, all 4 blog posts done for tomorrow. Phew! I can go to bed at a decent time tonight! Now I just have to NOT take a nap before 3 AM... I already feel so tired. It might be my new med, but I think it's because I'm fighting off a headache, and I'm premenstrual--both things seem to wear out my body.

I was a bit nauseous last night, which might have been my new pill. We'll see tonigh

at least i can bash this off

Ahh! I've got myself all turned around again. I keep napping from 8PM-11 or 9-midnight, so by the time I get working on my blogs it takes til 6 or 7 AM to finish them. Especially my politically correct series, which I can't just bash off. Ah! Ah! At least I was able to find some fun comments for my comment blog. Yesterday all I could find were angry stoopid people complaining about reverse discrimination.

off to bed

Cat pacifier!

I need to make a catsifier! Kitty pacifier!

Don't know if Minion would go for it, though. I've tried to get her to use one when I hold it for her--don't see that sewing one into a pillow or blanket would help. But you never know.

The Ballad of Headache Mabel

Well, it was coldy, but not so coldy that you can't take your hand out of your mitt for a minute to pull up your hood. And no wind.

I've been on Elavil for a couple years now--a daily drug to prevent my chronic tension headaches. They took my headaches down a significant degree--though I went up two slacks sizes in three months at the time. Doh! But worth it.) That didn't totally rid me of my headaches so my doctor added Ado-nadol, an ARB, but that did nothing. (They almost seemed worse, but surely that was my imagination?) This week I go off the Apo and start Topamax.

It doesn't have weight gain as a side effect, though weight loss can be. Plus pins and needles is the most common, along with soft drinks tasting weird. And difficulty concentrating, or with memory. It's all very exciting.

I hope it helps. I've had a headache all day today, and already took two painkillers (Zomigs) so I'm maxed out. >:-(  It's because I'm getting my period this week--that's my worst worst headache week each month. Now that a specific stressor is out of my life (my last job) it's easier to see what my baseline headaches are.

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