Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My favourite tweets about Pat Robertson

jen_n_tonik RT @MrColdBlooded: Hey Kanye, i know ur a douche, and Ima let u finish, but Pat Robertson is the biggest douche of all time! ambeck613 RT @michaelianblack: What kind of deal with the devil did we make to deserve Pat Robertson?

RobKaas RT @MitchBenn: Ah, Pat Robertson. Is there no tragedy you can't make just that little bit worse?

Baberton I'm not an overly religious gal, but my thought is that God doesn't appreciate Pat Robertson being His mouthpiece.

linksalpha Andy Borowitz: Pat Robertson: Haiti?! I Thought They Said "Hades

daveidfx RT @TheBloggess: I thought "Pat Robertson" was trending because was dead. Turns out it's just because everyone wishes he was.

chopshopzak I think Pat Robertson made a pact with the devil to keep those photos of him blowing little boys quiet. My source is just as good as his.

Ireneartist RT @Truth247: Pat Robertson should be taken to Haiti and dropped in the middle of Port-au-Prince where he must dig the dead out of the r ...

KellyBean76 RT @SOLDIER1: To be fair, Pat Robertson doesn't blame ALL natural disasters on sin, only the ones where lots of brown people are killed. ...

greensisters RT @hauntedchimp RT @traversability: I'd sell my soul to the devil to get rid of Pat Robertson. #douchbagery #haiti

shawnarena RT @adamchristensen: God loves Haiti & Pat Robertson even though both are natural disasters.

kryanoutloud HA!!! RT @omarg: Is there a code I can text to 90999 to take $10 away from Pat Robertson instead?

dougfun thinks Pat Robertson is an idiot - the devil makes pacts for gold fiddles, not Haitian earthquakes.

bradleygarwood ... oh, Pat Robertson. I was reading "Robert Pattinson" the whole time.


A the Haitian ambassador explains all the ways in which the US benefited from Haiti's pact with the devil.

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