Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Give sex a chance

So apparently Gandhi had a bit of a kinky sex life. Apparently he was always trying to "test" his devotion to chastity by having young, hot women sleep next to him. This was the guy who took Catholicism a step further by even recommending that married people not have sex.

The fact that he could land chicks well into his 70s just seems like further proof that the ladies like them an alpha male--even if he's the alpha of peaceful protest. Power and sex once again go haaand in hand.

Also further proof that this chastity business is BS. Let the people have sex already.

Stoopid House Committee on Un-American Activities

Since it's too hot to clean, I'm back to working on my book. I'm researching early film at the moment, because that's where my story begins, and I'm up the the Communist witch hunts. I'm familiar with the subject matter, but look at this particular detail from wiki:
Scholar Thomas Doherty describes how the HUAC hearings swept onto the blacklist those who had never even been particularly active politically, let alone suspected of being Communists:
[O]n March 21, 1951, the name of the actor Lionel Stander was uttered by the actor Larry Parks during testimony before HUAC. "Do you know Lionel Stander?" committee counsel Frank S. Tavenner inquired. Parks replied he knew the man, but had no knowledge of his political affiliations. No more was said about Stander either by Parks or the committee—no accusation, no insinuation. Yet Stander's phone stopped ringing. Prior to Parks's testimony, Stander had worked on ten television shows in the previous 100 days. Afterwards, nothing.

Ouch! Jeeze Louise. Nasty stuff. Nathty. But props to Stander in how he replied when he finally was brought before the committee:

When Stander was himself called before HUAC, he began by pledging his full support in the fight against "subversive" activities:

I know of a group of fanatics who are desperately trying to undermine the Constitution of the United States by depriving artists and others of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness without due process of law.... I can tell names and cite instances and I am one of the first victims of it.... [This is] a group of ex-Fascists and America-Firsters and anti-Semites, people who hate everybody including Negroes, minority groups and most likely themselves.... [T]hese people are engaged in a conspiracy outside all the legal processes to undermine the very fundamental American concepts upon which our entire system of democracy exists.


I was going to clean my room today, but we seem to have moved from Fresh Perfect Early Summer weather to Crazy Humidity August weather. Ever since January we've had the most unpredictable weather I can remember. It was 15 degrees in February, and 0 degrees in April, and now it's 30 degrees in spring. Looks like it won't break until Friday.


Alright, I've set up my second domain: www.mabeltalk.com . I've realized that the blogs I personally enjoy the most are those that provide little scenes / wee moments from that person's daily life. (Well... provided that person is a bit funny.)

Like this. Or this.

And since one is generally advised to write what you yourself like to read, I started my "Scenes from..." posts. And I decided, while I was picking up my londonmabel.com, to pick up another, and try posting my Scenes From on there. I can at least say one thing: When it comes to blogging, I have Blogging Rule #1 down pat -- I post regularly. I've blogged A Great Attraction since 2007, at least on a weekly basis. And I've done my personal blog since 2006.

Now I'm trying to create a banner for Mabel Talk. I decided that since London Mabel has a Regency banner, this one should be Art Nouveau or 1920s. But Meneer. Meneeeeer. Hard to decide.

Janelle - Mushrooms and Roses

My fave song so far on the new album.

Where did all the funnies go?

Finished The Red Door. I was going to read a Jane Langton mystery next but... I can see it's been 11 books since I read a straight-out comedy. Maybe I need a little Georgette Heyer.

It is soooo hard to find witty authors à la Heyer or Wodehouse, that when I'm in the mood for it, I usually can't pick up a new book. I have to rely on a re-read. Maybe I have a romance novel kicking about that's funny enough.

I am le sigh.

Or maybe I'll go listen to my 3 audio books of Richard III, Henry IV Part 1 and Henry IV Part 2.

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