Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Alright, I've set up my second domain: www.mabeltalk.com . I've realized that the blogs I personally enjoy the most are those that provide little scenes / wee moments from that person's daily life. (Well... provided that person is a bit funny.)

Like this. Or this.

And since one is generally advised to write what you yourself like to read, I started my "Scenes from..." posts. And I decided, while I was picking up my londonmabel.com, to pick up another, and try posting my Scenes From on there. I can at least say one thing: When it comes to blogging, I have Blogging Rule #1 down pat -- I post regularly. I've blogged A Great Attraction since 2007, at least on a weekly basis. And I've done my personal blog since 2006.

Now I'm trying to create a banner for Mabel Talk. I decided that since London Mabel has a Regency banner, this one should be Art Nouveau or 1920s. But Meneer. Meneeeeer. Hard to decide.


jamie said...

my vote goes to any of the algnquin-y ones.

London Mabel said...

My only hesitation on that one--and it's key--is that Harpo isn't in that picture!!! Maybe I could pencil him in...

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