Thursday, December 31, 2009

Slap hap happy new year!

Just watched The Holiday on tv. It was a bit awkward at first, but then it got quite good. Even made me all teary once or twice. Kate Winslet's a great actor.

Now I'm watching a Vicar of Dibley marathon. This is the first New Year that Fernando and I are spending alone. In past years we either celebrated with Pablo and Delyriam, or with Maewitch and the crew, or Fernando was working. But this holiday season I've had zero plans, zero commitments... Fernando is playing a little Warcraft, then he's going to join me at 11:00. We'll probably rent Julie and Julia, and have some of the sparkling wine my boss gave us.

Sherry's having a little snooze next to me. The Demon Spawn is curled up in a basket looking cute. Ahhh I feel relax-ed.

Ghosts of Bloggies Past 1

Since I'm re-reading my old blog, I'll post anything funny I find. This is a passage from a web site where you can submit lyrics you heard wrong. (I just like the categories the site gives you to fill in.)

Tears for Fears: Break It Down Again

The real lyrics were:
"Head strong like a horse" and later "Hot tips for the boys"

But I misheard them as:
"I'm hung like a horse" and later "I touch little boys"

The embarassing moment of revelation:
Singing along in the car with my parents

Age when I discovered just how wrong I had been: 25
I think my version is better than the original: Yes
I've convinced others that my version is correct: Yes
I take interesting medications: No
Submitted by Dennis Brennan on 1998-02-28 00:00:00

another contender for fromage of the year?

you twit

I haven't used my Twitter account for much, other than to follow a couple people, and to auto-post book reviews. I've decided to start posting short summaries of my Great Attraction blog entries. So if you find my posts too long to read, twit away!

The Story of Me: In 2009

Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event. Oscar Wilde

Just reading vegan-whole-foods-chef Jae Steele's end of year list, and I liked her categories. So I decided to try them out myself, and tossed in a couple more that I thought of...

Favourite learning experience: Taking a First Aid course.

Best health move:
Dancing in the kitchen while filling the dishwasher, and cooking.

Favourite new health tool: A new battery in my ipod.

Favourite new recipes: Avocado-green-apple salad (adapted from 100 Recettes 100 Vedettes.) Celery soup (I think I adapted it from some internet recipes.)

Favourite comfort food: Curly pasta with lemon juice and olive oil.

Favourite Party In Your Mouth food: You know... when it's the start of your weekend and you make something really nice? Jae Steele's guacamole.

Favourite drink:
Rooibas vanilla soy milk latté at Starbucks. (But what I drank the most was my own latté made with Almond Sunset herbal tea.)

Best writing accomplishment: The query letter. Now if only I could get back to working on the outline...

Best blog accomplishment: Generally maintaining a 5 day/week posting on A Great Attraction.

Favourite garment acquisition: New jimjams.

Favourite tv show discovery:
Welcome Back Kotter (rediscovery); Gavin & Stacey; Spaced.
Purposely avoided too many new shows.

Favourite movie: I don't watch a lot of movies--probably The Hangover.

Best cultural move! : Finally going to Stratford. Runner up: Getting back to reading about a book a week.

Saddest moment: The Night They Drove Old Nombly Down.

Most memorable This Is My Life And It's Pretty Great moments: * Getting home after work and listening to CBC radio 1 while chatting with my cats and making supper. * Watching tv with Fernando, on the couch, and fending off Haley when she tries to lick our ears. * Anytime I spend the day reading and listening to music.

Motto of 2009:

"Every morning, I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work." (Robert Orben)

Fromage Video of the Year?

Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway

Mabel's Techno Corner!

Ever wonder how to uncheck a large number of songs in iTunes (songs you don't want to delete, but don't want to play either, like Christmas songs) ?

No Mabel, of course we haven't wondered... cause we don't own 534 Christmas songs.

Well, just in case you know someone who does, here's the solution I got from googling--never knew you could do this:

"pull all your tunes (the ones you want to uncheck) into one folder, then control click one of the tunes and they should all be unchecked, not just in the folder but in the library."

Latest mabeltalk posts, so you can catch what interests you :-)

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