It took an hour or two to realize that I know This Ennui. I have seen it before. It's the way I've always gotten since teen years, when I need to write fiction. It usually comes hand in hand with watching movies (just watched Broken Flowers and High School Musical.) I'm already seeing my non-fiction reading slowing down, as my brain shifts from one half to the other. ;-)
So after doing some cooking (I try to make a big slow cooker pot full of something before my work days) I decided to catch up on my writing blogs. I'm still plotting Henry V, and it's far from the writing stage; but the real thing I need to do is write up a few synopsi (of varying lengths) for my last novel, and give it one last edit while I'm at it.
So prequel to that, I'm finishing up the research I started last summer on potential agents, and what they want in the way of query letters and synopsism. Most of the writing blogs I've RSSd are from agents, and you get all the in-between-the-lines advice you don't get from the books.
BUT. That doesn't mean I don't have time for QUIZZES!!
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