Thursday, December 30, 2010

Haley and the Case of the Suspicious Room

It's hard to concentrate on anything else with a pet is sick. Haley's acting weird, but I think it's the Tramadol pain killer--the tech warned me to give it less often if she acts kooky. One of the rare-er side effects is hallucinating, and I actually wonder if she is. Instead of sleeping, she's looking around the living room as though it's acting Very Suspiciously. I turned down the lights and the TV volume, to encourage her to rest, but she just keeps accusing the room of Weirdness.

She turned down a potato chip earlier, which worried me. But just now she ate a hearty amount of Snappy Toms, so I'm feeling a little better. But I don't know how much sleep I'll get tonight. Will continue to rely on light reading (Wodehouse) and light TV (Blackadder, Dr Katz, Poirot) to keep me occupied in my vigil.

"You're allll suspect!"

She'sa home!

Haley's fever finally went down, and all her tests were clear. They said she still wasn't eating, but suspected it was because she was "terrified" and didn't want to go back in the hospital cage. Poor Haleys. So I ran down to pick her up!

The tech put her in her cage before bringing her out. She was HISS HISS HISS! Then I called her name:


She turned around and came up to the bars. I let her sniff my fingers, and all was well.

I thought maybe when she came home she'd be spitting mad, but not at all. Other than the loss of dignity, she seems fine and now she just feasted on Snappytoms and medicine. Now she's furiously licking the Bad Hospital Smell off her fur.

they called!

i'm off to get kitty

No Haley Update

The longer it takes them to call, the more I worry. At this point I think they've killed her and are drawing lots to see who has to call me.

Waiting for Haley

Minion and I are just hangin' out, waiting for news about Haley. Blackadder and Wodehouse continue to be my close companions in this time of need-stuff-that-won't-hurt-my-brain.

Sick kitty

Poor Ms Haley is spending the night in the hospital. When I fed the cats before bed yesterday (at 6 AM) she came, but didn't eat a thing. And I realized she'd been hiding out in the bedroom, and wanted to keep doing so. All day today she just slept and didn't eat. So at 6 PM I took her to the emergency clinic. She turned out to have a fever and the vet scared me with dire possibilities, and the we-might-do-$1000s-in-tests-and-still-not-know possibility. Which I guess she has to say before people agree to spend the money, but it just made me think my cat was going to DIE.

After the first run of tests she turned out to not have any bad values for her kidneys, only for her bladder--so it should be a localized bladder infection. She's staying overnight to have more tests tomorrow and see the internist. If the antibiotics have brought her fever down by then, hopefully I can take her home tomorrow night.

Minion's been especially rambunctious and naughty tonight. I don't think she likes being One and Only Remaining Cat.

On top of it all, Haley's going to hate me when this is all done. The first summer I went on a vacation and left her behind with Fernando, she sulked me for about two months--that is, she'll cuddle with Fernando, and leap around when he gets home, and demand his attention, but mostly ignore me. She's been doing the same thing since Minion came, and only in the last couple weeks has gone back to sitting on my lap.
Evidence of recent cuddle

This is the first time she's had to stay overnight at the doctor's since we got her. And having previously been abandoned and left to a shelter, she may think we're not coming back for her. !! So when I do get to bring her home, she's gonna be a pissy kitty.

But I'd rather bring home a pissy kitty than none at all. Here's hoping.

PS -  While I still dislike bringing my cats to the emergency place, the doctor was really sweet and gentle with Haley. But she used the same examination room where we put down Sherry!! Good thing I had a PG Wodehouse book to hold my hand throughout.

PSS - I asked Fernando: "Do you think Haley's doing okay?" He replied: "She's currently leading the other animals in a prison break and we'll soon get a call from the police." That reassured me.

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