Thursday, April 30, 2009

There goes my watch

he's found my glasses again


Tonight I bonded a bit with Sue Ellen. Suzy is the skittish cat, who we suppose wasn't handled enough by humans as a baby.

She's pretty ok with me because I'm the softy bringer. But she also likes to play with the cat dancer toy, except JR is sooo toy hyper (like my cat Sherry) that she doesn't get much of a chance. So I locked him in the bathroom while we played. Then she was able to get all hunteree, and she started purring! I don't think I've ever heard a cat purr while playing. Then she plopped down on her back, just purring. So pet her for a bit.

I released JR, and went to sit on the couch and eat my supper, and lo and behold... she was sitting down the couch from me, which she's never done. Then JR decided she needed to be chased away around the house.

Suzy reminds me of Haley sometimes, even though Hal's very bold. But maybe when you join the calico club, you sign on to some things. For example, Haley loves to be chased, and I'm starting to suspect that mayyybe... Suzy does too. Hard to tell whether she's enjoying the thrill of being chased, or is actually terrified of me. Meeps! I just give little chases, and then I stop. Just a wee bit of "I'm gonna getcha! I'm gonna getcha!" And Ahhhh! she runs away. But not that far.

And when we were playing, she seemed to like sort of hiding and pouncing, which is how Haley hunts.

And THEN Suzy started chasing the shadow of the cat dancer, which she loved more than the cat dancer. And Haley LOVES chasing a laser pointer. Suzy definitely needs a laser pointer, I think she'd love it.

More JR

I forgot to mention JR's favourite thing of all: Running off with things.

This cat is sooo obsessed with running off with things (ROWT) that half his brain power is constantly reserved for this purpose. He sees everything going on around him, and he's just watching and waiting for... THINGS. Swissgirl had warned me about it, but it was astounding to see in action the first time I got here. I hide my watch in the kleenex box by my bed each night.

Today I emptied out a bag I had, on the table. It just contained a nail clipper. And JR was up on the chair and up on the table (where he is NOT allowed to be) in a nanosecond. Nail clippers! Gimmee!

Twice he's run off with the big elastic I use for my computer... I have to watch where he goes with it, so I can retrieve it later.

When I took off my glasses tonight, and put them on the table, he was there about a minute later. I watched, to see if they were too big for him to pick up. Nope! Down he jumps, my glasses in mouth, ready to run off and hide them somewhere.

watching movies at the start of a 3 day weekend...

I'm watching Star Trek IV, the whale one. Man... it's so tiring all the times that Spock is commended for acting a little human. Someone needs to compliment the humans when they occasionally act logical! Poor Spock. But then, Fernando accuses me of my Spocklike tendencies, which must account for my sympathy. Let the poor man be logical already! Leave him alooone!

On commercials I'm watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. And while I must say the monkey brains were the best part of this movie as a child (plus all the heart ripping), man is this ever a racist movie! Ouch! If racist is too harsh, then let's say Culturally Insensitive, Stereotyping and so forth. But I can't blame them for (apparently) banning it in India (see below, from wiki). All the Indiana movies are built on this stereotyping of primitive cultures, but this one reaaaally takes the cake. ...Oh man, he even uses a whip to haul back The Woman at the end. Yikes! Where's Marion! That's what I asked myself when I was a child: What have done with Mariooon!

In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), chilled monkey brains are served as a dessert in a scene set in India. Hindus revere monkeys due to mythological character Hanuman in the epic Ramayana and a significant number of Hindus are lacto-vegetarians. The movie was banned in India for its "racist portrayal of Indians and overt imperialistic tendencies".[9]

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