Thursday, April 30, 2009

More JR

I forgot to mention JR's favourite thing of all: Running off with things.

This cat is sooo obsessed with running off with things (ROWT) that half his brain power is constantly reserved for this purpose. He sees everything going on around him, and he's just watching and waiting for... THINGS. Swissgirl had warned me about it, but it was astounding to see in action the first time I got here. I hide my watch in the kleenex box by my bed each night.

Today I emptied out a bag I had, on the table. It just contained a nail clipper. And JR was up on the chair and up on the table (where he is NOT allowed to be) in a nanosecond. Nail clippers! Gimmee!

Twice he's run off with the big elastic I use for my computer... I have to watch where he goes with it, so I can retrieve it later.

When I took off my glasses tonight, and put them on the table, he was there about a minute later. I watched, to see if they were too big for him to pick up. Nope! Down he jumps, my glasses in mouth, ready to run off and hide them somewhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


He is SUCH a pain!!!!

Good thing he's cute (and thank God he is not human!!)

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