Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gosh the things you read...

...when researching. I've decided to merge two characters from the old draft, turning my soldier boy into a pilot. But he's got to be an injured pilot, so I've been researching not only WWI aces, but injuries. And I came across this delightful description, by a German ace whose arm was machine gunned, but he didn't want it operated on because he was afraid of being pulled out of combat:

(from Fokker D VII Aces of World War I - Franks & VanWyngarden)

Gross!! Awesome.


ladada said...

Should fit right into the story it's so descriptively written - - "pus sprayed out in a high arc..." lovely!

Of course most aircraft mechanics believe pilots are 'Drama Queens' anyway, so maybe that's why many of us tend to write descriptiviely - har...

London Mabel said...

"Should fit right into the story"

Ya, if I was writing for 9 year olds it'd be perfect!

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