Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Story of Me: In headcolds

Ohhh. I gots nooo energies. Actually that's not true. I have enough energy to sit up, which is more than I would have with a flu or gastro. But the energy to take a much needed shower? Ohhhhhh. I wonder if I can wear my PJs to work tonight. I don't even have sloughy jogging pants to wear, cause I'm not a sloughy joggings pants girl (can never find any long enough for my legs.)

I kept waking up last night, and I only got a 7 hour sleep. Lately when I hit the pillow, no matter how tired I am, I think about work. I need to get out of this phase! Last night I finally sat up in bed and worked on my story plotting, which finally quieted my brain down.

Maybe I should attempt a nap, but I'm afraid it will take me too long to fall asleep and next thing I know I'll have to get up for work. Mehhhhhhh.

When I was in school I used to get 2-3 head colds per winter. And still went to school and work most days, cause I had to. I'm not so tough anymore. I've turned into a big softy.


Kristin said...

Could you maybe call in sick?

London Mabel said...

Once I was dressed in human clothes again, and at work, I was fine. I was blowing my nose all night long, but energy wise I felt fine.

If I'd had something nasty like a flu I would have had to call in sick. But when you're working an overnight shift (til 5 AM) it's a bit hard to ask another manager to step in and take the shift. Someone would have, of course, but I would have felt bad.

And I didn't call in sick today cause I just had some stuff that needed doing. But it's my weekend now. Yays!

Thank-you for your sympathies. :-)

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