Tuesday, August 31, 2010
movie sillitude
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Vacation Countdown! Wee!
Then it's off to visit my dad and step-mommy in Nanaimo for about 5 days.
Then I ride over to Vancouver to see my mother and brother.
Yay! Time for a Swiss-girl-style countdown! 25 days til vacation! (Friend Swiss Girl's life is unbearable unless she's counting down to something. These days it's vacations, but even in high school there was always something.)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
pack me some lunch!
Look at all these various cute ones from online stores. You can see how collecting bento boxes could eeeaaasily become a habit.
hangin out in my café
I finally decided to befriend some strangers on facebook, in order to expand my café and do certain things faster. It's one of the few games I've ever, in my life, played consistently, so I might as well make the most of it.
I've now bought some expansions to my place, and I'm waiting to get my money back up so I can buy the last one. Then I will... redecorate!! Weee!
So I also went through my friends list and grouped them into categories, so that it's easier to check people's updates, and not get lost in a sea of cafe-friends.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Oh the neckiness of it all!
She loves neck scratches the most. Here she is, her head Flung Back! waiting for me to continue scratching her neck. She sat patiently like this while I set up the computer's camera.
In other news, I decided my chef persona (from Mabel's VeganEats) needed a new outfit.
And now, even though it's only 2:40 AM and I had a full night's sleep yesterday, I am dying of fatiguitude, and shall away to bed. I've been more regularly doing day shifts lately, and it's cramping my style.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
50 Questions: What's the best costume you've ever worn?
But my best "costume" might have been in high school, to a friend's small Halloween party. The previous year I'd had a falling out with a couple friends--or rather they fell out with me. Well pushed, really. Anyway, we were amicable with each other, but didn't hang out anymore.
One of these girls came dressed in a Japanese outfit (yes yes, ethnic costume as costume, naughty-ness -- look, we were just little) -- she was wearing a cheap, shiny, houserobe type kimono.
I, on the other hand, wore a real kimono--a gift to my grandfather from an ambassador, which my grandfather had given to me. I am not ashamed to admit that I took great delight in Oh So Casually lording this fact over her, when she came to compare looks. Especially since she was a very competitive sort.
The only comeback she had was that I'd better not spill anything on it.
Sometimes, it's the petty things that mean so much.
(It was a cotton men's kimono, sort of like this one.)
Any costume stories out there?
Return to Meowee East: Everyday cuddles
* Morris Day's character in Purple Rain, when standing at the bar between a couple of hot women: "Sexiness to the left of me, sexiness to the right. It's all about the pimp sandwich tonight!"
Chrissie Hynde strikes again! Yippy!
I came across this Chrissie Hynde album on iTunes and downloaded a couple songs. They're really good, and the story behind the album is so interesting, I think I might *need* the whole thing!
Hynde, in her 50s, was in London and met a 30something musician, they became romantically involved, but knew it wasn't for the long haul. So they went to Cuba, wrote song to/from/about each other, made an album and formed a band. It's called Fidelity after all the Fidel Castro pictures everywhere.
(Pretty funny video too--make sure to watch long enough for the gore! It's based on a vampire movie.) (Oh and, her voice is still beautiful!)
''The album is about the fact that there is no future in our relationship in terms of love and sex,'' Jones said by phone from California, where they have been hanging out while not playing club shows (which will include an Oct. 3 stop at Tangier). ''And the way we can be together is in a band making music. In a way, it's like we've done the next best thing and we're making it work through the music.''
''We really get along, and if things were different and we were the same age, we may have gotten married in Cuba and be having our first kid by now,'' Hynde said. ''But we can see that's not going to happen
because of the age gap. And we just write all these songs together and we love singing together and hanging out, and this is how we see our future now: We can be together by being bandmates. It's fantastic.''''It's different because we have a story with each other, so we're kind of writing songs about us and writing songs about each other and we are each other's muse. And when you have a muse you have something to focus on and write about and nurture, and in the past . . . there's been collaborations but nothing like this. I've never done anything like this,'' she said. (ohio.com)
If you don't want me to come in you better lock this door
and if you don't want me to return you better lock this door
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Gilmabelfest 2010! Under the usual palm tree.
Here is my first planning document, to help Gilby make the selection. Of course, little Yoda and finger Oscar will be accompanying us again.
Then I'll fly out west to visit la famiglia.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wanting to plan!
In other news, I wish Gilby would call me so I can plan Gilmabelfest!! We need to choose the dates, so I can see what's available besides An Ideal Husband. Unless we pick another play at the Shaw festival
looks like the best pickings are at
the Soulpepper
and the Royal Alexandria.
(Besides Stratford, which would be another long drive.) Without an exact date I can't get excited about something. !!! I think I'll go spam his facebook.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Banish not Minion!
someone needs to tell minion that writers need two hands to type. unless they're going to write like this--no-caps-obnoxiously. and slowly.
Alright, I've banished her to the cat bed at the end of the couch:
(4 months old, and already well-versed in Shakespeare. Definitely my child.)
Other latest pics: