Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Happy Ending

6 pm Alright. The music has stopped. ...Now I can put on my own! As I begin Fernando's assessment...

6:09 Oh wait! My Haiti donations would go onto next year. ...I'm getting my work fiscal year mixed up with the govt's fiscal year.

Is someone playing basketball in the hall??

6:14 Okay, charity fixed. And the grand result... (drum roll please)

We're in the black! That's weird. Unexpected this is.

6:22 Corrected a wee snafu re. T5...

6:28 Alright, let's send these puppies off.

6:45 Ahhh. No more neighbour noises. No more tax files. No money owed. Enjoy rest of day off.


Kristin said...

I'm jealous. Ugh... Spent all day yesterday looking for the forms. And as I recall, taxes are way more complicated up there. I remember having to pay someone to do them. Here, I'm poor enough to fill out this one pager called the EZ Form online. Now if only I could keep track of pieces of paper, I could've done it in five minutes. Damnit...

London Mabel said...

One page! Heavens. Well good luck. It's hard to stay organized when you're fighting fatigue/health issues.

Kristin said...

I had to have extra forms mailed to me, which means I'll miss the due date, which means... I'll get it in late--and get my much-needed tax refund late.

I've never been good at keeping track of stuff, but it got exponentially worse when I started having health problems. Developmental dyspraxia level worse:

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