Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Music - Tracking my best of's

I'm working on my music best-of list for 2010, but it's much harder than the books because there are sooo many more. But also, the methods for tracking them aren't very reliable.

iTunes tracks when you acquired a song, but if you re-upload it then it gets a new date. I occasionally rebuild my library, and I eventually turn all my songs to mp3s so they take up less space, which also reloads them. Then all the stats (# of times played) disappear as well. So when I try to track which songs I acquired this year, and how often I listened to them, it's a mess.

I also use but I don't know exactly how it tracks these things either. Eg. it says I listened to Bette Midler's "Beast of Burden" 9 times this year, but that sounds very low to me.

Plus you can't go strictly by # of times played, because a song I bought and loved in October will still have a smaller play count than a song I bought and loved in February.


I'm also trying to compile my fave songs that came out before 2010--songs I played a lot this year, or just discovered, or always had in my head. I only have 450 songs that were made in 2010, but leaves 11 001 that weren't.

I tried creating a playlist for each month of uploading, minus the 2010 songs, but I hit a month with hundreds of songs in it--which I'm sure were re-uploads. So that was only so much help.

It's all vair vair confusing. I've got to figure out a better way to do this in the new year, for next year's list.

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