Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas starts out with a meh

It's Christmas music time, now. I thought Susan Boyle's album might be good, since I do enjoy traditional Christmas music. But it sounds like a funeral dirge. And she's included a cover of "Hallelujah" which, yes, is a spiritual song, but also one about sex and pain and so forth. Not really what I associate with Christmas music, and sung in the same dirge-style.


ladada said...

Thanks for the reveiw. I have her first album and find it enjoyable. Perhaps The Powers that Be pushed her to get an Xmas album out (that's got to be an ongoing money maker and so all the artists succumb and produce one...), before she had time to make any of the songs 'her own' and to do them with some heart and soul?

Anyway - thanks

London Mabel said...

Well it's just my impression based on the itunes samples. I guess they were going for reverent, but with each song like that, it comes off as de trop.

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