Monday, October 18, 2010

Return to Meowee East: toys

I just gave Minion a tiny bit of catnip on her new scratch pad. I'm a bit fearful of the consequences since she already acts like liquid catnip flows through her veins.

I also bought a tunnel for the kitties. One always hesitates re buying these toys, since you never know if your cat will like them. So far Minion's been beating the crap out of the little ball hanging inside it.

Haley has finally found a place to hide out from Minion. Remember the box-in-a-laundry-basket-in-a-tupperware which used to be her favourite home, and I finally decorated it, but then she wasn't using it?
Haley's discovered that if she sits in it, Minion will stalk her and bat at her from the outside (which is fine, Haley likes that game) but she can't end the game (as she usually does) by getting inside and jumping on Haley's head. It's small, and on a slant, so Haley has so far been able to defend it. The one time I saw Minion jump in, she couldn't get all the way in, and jumped right back out. I hope it stays this way, cause Halzebub really does need her own little corner of Hell where she can have some peace.

Update: Since starting this post, the cat-tube is now halfway across the livingroom floor, as Minion wrestles around in it.

Updateier: Minion likes eating the catnip, but she isn't reacting to it. I guess she's already as hyper as a cat can possibly be. Which should give you an idea of what it's like to live with her. Imagine your cat on catnip 100% of the time.

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