Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meneeeer! and other tails

Kitty Stories:

1. Haley has a new hidey-hole somewhere, and so far Minion hasn't found it. But Fernando and I haven't either! I couldn't find her before I went to bed this morning (though when I woke up she was sleeping on my pillow, next to my head.)

2. Yesterday Minion was chasing a wasp--she put her hand down on it to capture it, and it stung her. Funny thing is, it just set her on a course of revenge. The wasp flew up to the overhead light, and she was jumping all over the place, trying to get at it. "Wasp! WASP! WAAAASP!!!!"  All the while occasionally licking her little stung paw.

3. These days I have to lock Minion up when she eats, so she won't take Haley's food. Minion gets a larger portion (growing toddler) so in the beginning Haley was finished her food before Minion, and it was safe. But now Minion eats a bite or two of her food, then RUNS over to Haley's dish and tries to suck it all up in record time. If you want to know what Haley sounds like when she's growling and eating at the same time, watch this video and listen to the tauntaun noises.

4. Kitty Song: Fernando and I tend to take whatever song is in our heads' and adapt it to the cats. Yesterday I was singing:

My cat bad!
My cat hood!
My cat does things that your cat never could!

Also, my old roommate and I used to adapt the Old Yeller theme to every animal we owned. (My dad taught it to us.) I need to compose Minion's.

Old Nombly was a mongrel
A little straight-eared mongrel
Fancy free, without a family tree
But he could up and do it
Just like there's nothing to it
And that's how a good cat should be.

Here Nombly! Come back Nombly
--meh! meh! meh!--
Beeeest doggone caaat in the Eaaast!

(He was saying "meh" before it was fashionable.)

Bantha's (the roommate's rottweiler)
Old Bantha was a purebred
A big old lop-eared purebread
Fancy free, but with a family tree
And he could up and do it
Just like there's nothing to it
And that's how a good dog should be.

Here Batha! Come back Bantha
--rowr! rowr! rowr! [deep gravelly voice]
Beeeest doggone dooog in the Eaaast!

Young Haley was a calico
A little straight-eared calico
Fancy-free without a family tree
But she could up and do it
Just like there's nothing to it
And that's how a good kitty should be

Here Haley! Come back Haley
--hiss! hiss! hiss!--
Best doggone cat in the East.

Mum's dog Sassy:
Old Sassy was a mongrel
A little lop-eared mongrel
Fancy-free without a family tree
But she could up and do it
Just like there's nothing to it
And that's how a good dog should be

Here Sassy! Come back Sassy!
--Sassy! Come back! SASSY!! COME HERE!!--
Best doggone dog in the East

How's this?
Wee Minion was a calico
A little orphaned calico
Fancy-free without a family tree
But she could up and do it
Just like there's nothing to it
And that's how a good kitten should be

Here Minion! Come back Minion
-- meneer! meneer! meneer!-- [she has a teeny tiny whiny squeek]
Best doggone cat in the East

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