Thursday, January 7, 2010

My life in stats

I have a terrible memory for dates. So I've decided to start A Chronology of Moi. I've created an excel sheet, put in my birthdays, and started filling in my school years, where I lived, jobs I was working, wedding etc. There's some guesswork involved, though. Like, I'm not sure the exact year I was vegan--I'm pretty sure it was the summer I stopped being a full-time manager. I recall taking a 3 week vacation in which I was allowed to eat my final milk-based cravings, and when it was over I started veganning. So around 2001-2002? For some reason I can remember that I started working in my current store in 1997, but to remember my wedding anniversary I have to think "It was the summer after I started at Current Store, and on Prince's birthday." June 7 1998.

So here's where we stand.

I'm 36 years old
Married 11 years, and living in same apartment.
Writing stories since about grade 2, so about 29 years
I think it was in 1996 (end of BA) that I set my 20 year goal to be published: 6 years left
Vegetarian about 14 years
Vegan about 8 years
Lived in about 12 homes (4 without parents)
Attended 6 schools (Montessori, Woodhaven Elementary twice, Landsdowne, Jean XXIII, John Abbott, McGill three times)
Lived in 3 provinces (Manitoba, Alberta, Quebec)

1 comment:

BrotherPaul said...

SIX schools?! Criminey! I attended that many secondary schools alone...

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