Tuesday, September 15, 2009

more more Kanye

There's a good article in Entertainment Weekly, speculating why the Kanye story is eliciting an over-reaction from many people -- a lot of Twitterers calling him the N word and saying he should be killed, but also "the characterizations of Taylor Swift as a victim of some awful crime" (calling it an “attack” or a “violation” or an “assault,”). The article writer, and some other bloggers, think a lot of these comments are coming out of the Outrage Over Black Guy Raping White Woman vein in American history.

"if you inflate this relatively minor transgression into a four-alarm scandal of the type described in the previous paragraph, then maybe it’s worth considering whether you’re the one crossing a line."

From Sep 15 2009 05:14 PM "Kanye West and Taylor Swift: Why do people care so much about this story?" by Simon Vozick-Levinson

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