Friday, August 21, 2009

This is me still being Madly In Love

I can't get over my huge crush on K'Naan's music. K'Naan I looooooooooove you!!!!!!!!

Here's another song--this one about what it's like waiting for a desperately needed money transfer from someone who's helping you out; and then turns to how he can now transfer money back to his grandmother; and it ends with "shout outs" to people who financially helped him out in hard times.

No wonder when you look at the comments people leave for K'Naan on youtube, they're all about how he's saving rap music from a surplus of thug culture.

...And if you think it isn't fun to sing "you can pick it up toDAY it's fifteenminutesawAY" while trotting home from work, well, then you iz foolin' yourself.


BrotherPaul said...

That's awesome. I've never heard him before!

Mr T Sock Monkey said...

I pity the fool who doesn't help a brother in need!

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