Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Metrosexual bug

The midges are disappearing--there's way less of them hanging in the kitchen tonight. But my computer was just assaulted by an earwig, and now some other 6 legged dude is sitting on the top corner of my screen cleaning his (or her) antennae.

Slowly... like a cat. He slowwwwly runs his hands along an antennae, then quickly rubs his palms together, and does it again. The antennaes... they must be cleans!! All the while perched on his other 4 legs.

Now it looks like he's tapping his foot to the John Mellencamp playing.

Now he's feeling out the air with his super cleans antennae.

1 comment:

BrotherPaul said...

Now he's shooting laser-beams at me!

AH! RUN!!!

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