Getting money back, so I don't have to worry about being late with my taxes. Well... this'll be my last year getting a refund, since I'm sure it's because of my studentness. As of 2009... I have to get back to Contributing to Society.
So thank you... thank you all my fine full-time working friends. As repayment for all your tax support while I was in schoolz, I'll try not to Lord It Over You with all my genius political knowledge!
I used Ufile this year, instead of Quicktax, and it is a MUCH better system. At lease for my simple returns. In the past I always got tripped out in two areas, the same ones, each year. And Ufile made it much simpler. And then I also discovered that for students they have a deal this year that it's free. So I'm not even paying to file! All very exciting.
But for those paying, here's where the tax dollars went in 2007:
1. interest charges on Canada's debt (14 cents per dollar)
2. transfer payments to provinces and territories (54 cents)
- persons: oldy people, unemployment, child rearing, etc.
- health and social programs
- other: Aboriginals, farmers, foreign aid...
3. operating the government
- defence (7 cents on tax dollar)
- coppers, prisons etc. (3 c)
- Canada Revenue Agency (3 c)
- other (11.5 c) : environment, fisheries, justice, transport, Canadian Food Inspection, Parliament...
- Crown corps: better watch your CBC! Get your 1 cent worth.
4. budgetary surplus --> went to debt reduction
Before I was a student and actually making some money, I still typically got $ back from the gov't every year--mostly because I was contributing to an RRSP at the time. There's still hope.
As long as your employer takes enough, or more than enough, off at source you'll always get money back. Some people even ask their employers to take a little extra off just to make sure!
I thought of that. But if you keep that extra money for the year and then pay it, you make interest off it. So it's more logical to have them take off not enough, and just know and be ready to pay up at the end of the year.
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