I'm watching Star Trek IV, the whale one. Man... it's so tiring all the times that Spock is commended for acting a little human. Someone needs to compliment the humans when they occasionally act logical! Poor Spock. But then, Fernando accuses me of my Spocklike tendencies, which must account for my sympathy. Let the poor man be logical already! Leave him alooone!
On commercials I'm watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. And while I must say the monkey brains were the best part of this movie as a child (plus all the heart ripping), man is this ever a racist movie! Ouch! If racist is too harsh, then let's say Culturally Insensitive, Stereotyping and so forth. But I can't blame them for (apparently) banning it in India (see below, from wiki). All the Indiana movies are built on this stereotyping of primitive cultures, but this one reaaaally takes the cake. ...Oh man, he even uses a whip to haul back The Woman at the end. Yikes! Where's Marion! That's what I asked myself when I was a child: What have done with Mariooon!
In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), chilled monkey brains are served as a dessert in a scene set in India. Hindus revere monkeys due to mythological character Hanuman in the epic Ramayana and a significant number of Hindus are lacto-vegetarians. The movie was banned in India for its "racist portrayal of Indians and overt imperialistic tendencies".[9]
Are Lucas and Spielberg a pair of raging racists, or is it more a case of them playing with what is found in the old serials from which the Indy concept was inspired?
And if the later, does that excuse the stereotyping, or are they still a pair of Cultural Insensiphobes?
I don't see them as racist. I just think they weren't sensitized to this sort of thing, and couldn't see it in the old serials they loved, and then reproduced it. ...Took the wrong film study courses!
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